a website of resources for peace is a documentary website whose purpose is to promote an exchange of knowledge and know-how at the service of the construction of an Art of peace.
This website is coordinated by
Modus Operandi



  • After obtaining a Master in Sociology and Peace and Conflict Studies in Amsterdam and Berkeley, Claske worked in South Africa for the « African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) », a training and research center on conflict resolution in Africa.

  • Of Dutch origin, she developed, with the Network University of Amsterdam, online courses on the transformation of conflicts for a global audience (

  • She currently works for Modus Operandi studying the political transformation of conflict when coming out of crisis, the dynamic of the breakdown of States, as well as the experiences and perspectives of the reorganization and reform of the State in sub-Saharan Africa, in particular in the Horn of Africa.

Has participated in the following dossiers:

  • Processus de transition et réformes d’Etat

    Ce dossier aborde la transformation politique des conflits dans les sorties de conflits et après la chute des régimes communistes, la reconstruction de la paix, la réorganisation de l’Etat, la transition démocratique, les interventions internationales et leurs impacts.

  • Témoignages de Paix / Testimonios de paz / As Said by Artisans of Peace

    Entretiens réalisés auprès d’Artisans de Paix, tous acteurs et protagonistes par leur engagement quotidien, de la construction d’un Art de la paix / Entrevistas realizadas con Artesanos de Paz, cada uno actor y protagonista en su compromiso cotidiano, de la construcción de un Arte de la paz / Interviews conducted with Artisans of Peace, all actors, through their daily commitment, of the construction of an Art of Peace.

  • Le droit à la ville

    Cahier des Rencontres de Géopolitique Critique n°2

  • Les Cahiers de Modop n°2

    Les attentats de l’année 2015 vus sous l’angle de la transformation de conflit.

  • Les Cahiers de Modop, n°1

A participé aux ateliers :

Author Files