a website of resources for peace is a documentary website whose purpose is to promote an exchange of knowledge and know-how at the service of the construction of an Art of peace.
This website is coordinated by
Modus Operandi


François Marchand

François Marchand is a Civil Engineer of Mines. He is married and has four children. Since 1974 he has led a professional career in the sector of public transportation in France and abroad. Since 1970, he led an important activity for the development of non-violence : conscientious objector, member of The Movement for a Non-Violent Alternative (MAN) since its creation in 1974, founding member and President of the IRNC (The Research Institute of Non-violent Resolution of Conflict) since 1984. He spearheaded the creation of Non-Violence XXI, of which he is co-President.

He is currently participating in the establishment of a volunteer service for peace in France and in the financing, public as well as private, of French non-violent organizations.

At the IRNC, which he has overseen since 1984, he puts a particular focus on the introduction of non-violence as a form of management and regulation of society, just as much from a national point of view as from an international one.

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Has participated in the following dossiers:

  • L’intervention Civile de Paix

    L’intervention civile est une intervention non armée, sur le terrain d’un conflit local. Elle consiste à mettre en œuvre des missions mandatées par une organisation intergouvernementale (OSCE, ONU), gouvernementale, ou non gouvernementale (ONG).

  • Témoignages de Paix / Testimonios de paz / As Said by Artisans of Peace

    Entretiens réalisés auprès d’Artisans de Paix, tous acteurs et protagonistes par leur engagement quotidien, de la construction d’un Art de la paix / Entrevistas realizadas con Artesanos de Paz, cada uno actor y protagonista en su compromiso cotidiano, de la construcción de un Arte de la paz / Interviews conducted with Artisans of Peace, all actors, through their daily commitment, of the construction of an Art of Peace.

A participé à l’atelier :

Author Files