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Ficha de bibliografía

Bangkok, septiembre 2005

Bibliographie : catastrophe humanitaire, assistance humanitaire et résolution de conflit


  • Aquino Siapino Jacqueline, 2002, Gender, Islam, Nationalism and the State in Aceh, the paradox of power, co-optation and resistance, London, Routeledge-Curzon.

  • Aspinall Edward, Crouch Harold, 2003, The Aceh Peace Process: Why it Failed, Washington, East West Center.

  • Barber Richard, 2000, Aceh: the Untold Story, Bangkok, Asian forum for Human Rights and Development.

  • Bartkus Viva Ona, 1999, The Dynamic of Secession, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

  • Bellenger Lionel, 2003, La Négociation, Paris, PUF.

  • Braud Philippe, 2004, Violences politiques, Paris, Points Collection Essais.

  • Brown David, 1994, The State and Ethnic Politics in South East Asia, London, Routledge.

  • Chauprade Aymeric, 2003, Géopolitique: constantes et changements dans l’histoire, Paris, Ellipse.

  • Di Tiro Hassan :

    • 1980, The Legal Status of Aceh-Sumatra Under International Law, ASNLF.

    • 1982, The Price of Freedom: the Unfinished Diary of Tengku Hasan di Tiro, ASNLF.

    • 1995, Denominated Indonesians, ASNLF.

  • Dubus Arnaud, Revise Nicolas, 2002, Armée du Peuple, Armée du Roi. Les militaires face à la société en Indonésie et en Thaïlande, Paris, l’Harmattan / IRASEC.

  • Huber Konrad, 2004, The HDC in Aceh: Promises and Pitfalls of NGO Mediation and Implementation, Washington, East West Center.

  • Gibbon (Mc) Rodd, 2004, Secessionist Challenges in Aceh and Papua: Is Special Autonomy the Solution?,Washington, East West Center.

  • Kell Tim, 1995, The Roots of the Acehnese Rebellion (1989-1992), Jakarta, Cornell University.

  • Lukman Thaib, 1996, The roots of the Acehnese struggle, Kuala Lumpur, UKM Press.

  • Marret Jean-Luc, 2001, La Fabrication de la paix. Nouveaux conflits, nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles méthodes, Paris, Ellipses.

  • Michel Franc, 2000, L’Indonésie, éclatée mais libre. De la dictature à la démocratie (1998-2000), Paris, L’Harmattan.

  • Raggi Philippe, 2000, Indonésie, la nouvelle donne, Paris, l’Harmattan.

  • Raillon François, 1999, Indonésie : la réinvention d’un archipel, Paris, La Documentation française.

  • Schulze Kirsten, 2004, The Free Aceh movement (GAM) : Anatomy of a Separatist Organization, Washington, East-West Center

  • Sjamsuddin Nazaruddin, 1985, The Republican Revolt : a Study of Acehnese Rebellion, Singapoure, ISEAS.

  • Snyder Jack, 2000, From Voting to Violence: Democratisation and Nationalist Conflicts, New York, W.W. Norton and Company.

  • Soesastra Hadi et Smith (L) Anthony, 2003, Governance in Indonesia, Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency, Singapour, ISEAS.

  • Sukma Rizal, 2004, Security Operations in Aceh: Goals, Consequences and Lessons, Washington, East West Center

  • Suryadinata Leo, 2002, Elections and Politics in Indonesia, Singapoure, ISEAS.

  • Van Dijk C., 1981, Rebellion Under the Banner of Islam : the Darul Islam in Indonesia, La Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.


  • Amnesty International,

    • 2004, New Military Operations: Old Patterns of Human Rights Abuses in Aceh (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, NAD).

    • 1993, Shock Therapy, Restoring Order in Aceh (1998-1993).

    • 2005, Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami: Human Rights at Risk in the Aftermath.

  • Azra Azyumardi, 2000, “The Islamic Factor in Post-Soharto Indonesia”, in Indonesia in Transition: Social Aspect of Reformasi and Crisis, Singapoure, ISEAS.

  • Barter Joshua Shane, 2004, Holy War or Open Door? The Role of Islam in the Aceh Conflict, Working Paper for the 12th Annual CANCAPS Conference (déc.2004), Quebec City, Quebec.

  • Brown David :

    • 2005, Contending Nationalisms in Southeast Asia, Asia Research Center, Working Paper n°117, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia.

    • 2004, Why Independence? The Instrumental and Ideological Dimensions of Nationalism, International Journal of Comparative Sociology (p.277-96).

  • Coronel Ferrer Miriam, 2001, Framework for Autonomy in Southeast Asia’s Plural Societies, Working Paper n°13, mai 2001, Singapoure, Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies.

  • International Crisis Group :

    • 2000, Keeping the Military Under Control, Asia Report n°9, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2000, Aceh : Escalating Tension, Asia Briefing n°4, Jakarta.

    • 2001, Aceh: Why Military Force Won’t Bring Lasting Peace, Asia Report n°17, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2001, Indonesia’s Presidential Crisis, Asia Briefing n°5, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2001, Indonesia’s Presidential Crisis : the Second Round, Asia Briefing n°6, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2001, Aceh, Can Autonomy Stem the Conflict?, ICG Asia Report n°18, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2002, Impact of the Bali Bombings, Asia Briefing n°23, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2002, Aceh: a Slim Chance for Peace, Asia Briefing n°14, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2003, Aceh, a Fragile Peace, Asia Report n°47, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2003, Aceh : Why the Military Option Still Won’t Work, Asia Briefing n°26, Jakarta et Bruxelles.

    • 2003, Aceh: How not to Win Hearts and Minds, Asia Briefing n°27, Jakarta and Bruxelles.

  • Hefner Robert, 1996, “Islam and Nation in the Post-Soharto Era” in The politics of Post-Soharto Indonesia, New York, Schwarz and Paris.

  • Human Rights Watch :

    • 1999, Indonesia : Why Aceh is Exploding.

    • 2001, Indonesia : the War in Aceh.

    • 2003, Aceh Under Martial Law : Inside the Secret War.

    • 2004, Aceh at War : Torture, Ill-Treatment and Unfair Trials.

  • Mietzner Marcus :

    • 2000, “the 1999 General Session : Wahid, Megawati and the Fight for the Presidency”, in Indonesia in Transition : Social Aspect of Reformasi and Crisis, Singapoure, ISEAS.

    • 2001, “Abdurrahman’s Indonesia : Political Conflict and Institutional Crisis”, in Indonesia Today: Challenges of History, Singapoure, ISEAS.

  • Suharyo (I.) Widjajanti, 2000, Voices From the Regions : a Participatory Assessment of the New Decentralization Law in Indonesia, UNSFIR (United Nations Support Facility for Indonesian Recovery).


  • Sudrijanta J et Adeline M.T., 2004, Anywhere But Fear, editing operator Hendra Minima production