Martine Dufour
She had a childhood marked by war, by the resistance in which her father participated, and the vision of rows of those deported to Compiègne, where she lived.
Be it in terms of Nurse, Mother, Grandmother, Activist, Elected Environmental Representative for six years in my city, non-violence has been, since 1968, a string of gold that she tries to weave into her daily life, into her relationships with others, into education, health, economy…
She has been a member of The Movement for a Non-Violent Alternative (MAN) since 1975. She discovered, the other members of MAN and her, Kosovo and its inhabitants January 1, 1993 – its inhabitants, including the Albanians who used non-violent methods to oppose the apartheid of the Serbs in power. Since that time, she has continued to weave new links via regular missions, not only in Kosovo but also with the Balkan Democrats. Soon after the War of 1999, a few members of MAN created the association « Peace Teams in the Balkans » (of which she is a member) which was present in Mitrovica.
Has participated in the following dossiers:
L’intervention civile est une intervention non armée, sur le terrain d’un conflit local. Elle consiste à mettre en œuvre des missions mandatées par une organisation intergouvernementale (OSCE, ONU), gouvernementale, ou non gouvernementale (ONG).
Les Organisations Non-Violentes en France
Présentation des organisations non-violente en France, leurs parcours, leurs expériences, leurs savoirs-faire, leurs perspectives.
Author Files
Des jeux pour la coopération au Kosovo
Présentation d’un projet de réconciliation de l’organisation "Equipes de Paix dans les Balkans".
L’expérience d’EpB au Kosovo.
L’action du MAN dans le conflit yougoslave
La mise en place d’une mission d’intervention civile de paix au Kosovo
L’Intervention Civile de Paix au service de la réconciliation inter-communautaire
Les actions de l’organisation « Equipes de Paix dans les Balkans » en faveur d’un processus de réconciliation à Mitrovica.