un site de ressources pour la paix

Iréné est un site de ressources documentaires destiné à favoriser l’échange de connaissances et de savoir faire au service de la construction d’un art de la paix.
Ce site est porté par l’association
Modus Operandi

En librairie

Transformation de conflit, de Karine Gatelier, Claske Dijkema et Herrick Mouafo

Aux Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM)


Fiche d’acteur Dossier : Violence and Peace chalenges of religions.

, Karachi, mai 2009

Women and Development Association - Wada

An NGO that works to emphasize the intellectual capabilities and contribution of women in the development of society and civilization.

Mots clefs : Initiative citoyenne pour construire la paix | Respect des droits des femmes | Défenseurs des droits de l'Homme | Femmes et paix | Respecter les Droits Humains | Pakistan

Fahmida Riaz, founded an NGO, by the name of WADA, which in Urdu means a promise. This organization works for peace, for women’s right and human rights, working with the teaching and student community through books and cultural activities. Books of WADA are read all over Pakistan, India and in universities like SOAS, London University where ever there are departments of Women Studies and URDU language

From the outset WADA has worked for promoting gender equality in Pakistan. Our main focus is the student community. WADA work with students of primary and secondary schools and with students of colleges and universities. They also targeted urban and rural women of low income groups.

They organize workshops, talk sessions with groups of women.

Their goal is to emphasize the intellectual capabilities and contribution of women in the development of society and civilization, and for that they have targeted the opinion makers, the educated section of the society, the media and provincial and central administration of Pakistan.

Site web