a website of resources for peace is a documentary website whose purpose is to promote an exchange of knowledge and know-how at the service of the construction of an Art of peace.
This website is coordinated by
Modus Operandi

  • Le travail et les Droits de l’enfant en Inde

    Les enfants pauvres d’Inde commencent à travailler dès le plus jeune âge. De nombreux enfants doivent travailler pour aider leur famille et certaines familles attendent de leurs enfants la reprise de l’affaire familiale à un âge très jeune.

    Bangalore, November 2006

  • Child Labour and Child Rights in India

    Poor children in India begin working at a very young and tender age. Many children have to work to help their families and some families expect their children to continue the family business at a young age.

    Bangalore, November 2006