un site de ressources pour la paix

Iréné est un site de ressources documentaires destiné à favoriser l’échange de connaissances et de savoir faire au service de la construction d’un art de la paix.
Ce site est porté par l’association
Modus Operandi

En librairie

Transformation de conflit, de Karine Gatelier, Claske Dijkema et Herrick Mouafo

Aux Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM)


Fiche d’acteur

, France, septembre 2017

International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT)

The Geneva Centre for the democratic control of armed forces

ISSAT provides support to the international community to reinforce and strengthen their individual and collective efforts to improve security and justice, primarily in conflict-affected and fragile states. It does this by working with a group of member states and institutions to develop and promote good security and justice reform practices and principles, and by helping its members to build their capacity to support national and regional security and justice reform processes.



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Langue de travail


Site web


Providing operational support to reinforce the international community’s security and justice reform capacity

Moyens d’action

ISSAT provides four core services: Advisory Field Support (AFS), Training and Capacity Development (TCD), Knowledge Services (KS), and Advocacy and Outreach (A&O). The collective objective of all these service lines is to help Governing Board Members and the wider security and justice community to provide support to security and justice reform in line with international standards. This means delivering support that reinforces local ownership, addresses problems of accountability and effectiveness, and manages the political, technical and holistic dimensions of security and justice reform, with more effective external and internal coordination. The inter-connectivity between the four services means that ISSAT’s work is based firmly on experience, analysis and the use of innovative practices.

Approche de la paix

In line with DCAF’s overall aim, ISSAT strives to contribute to improved security and justice as a means to help prevent violent conflict, build sustainable peace and establish a conducive environment for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Offre pédagogique

E-Learning and Training courses.