Robin GERBAUX, Grenoble, June 2014
Associazione “Operatori di Pace – Campania” ONLUS
Peace Workers Campania is a non profit organization of professional civilian peace-keepers, working in the field of peace work and human rights, with the specific aim at promoting nonviolence and positive transformation of local and international conflicts.

Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace - Campania”) is the not-to profit organization of professional civilian peace-keepers, working in the field of peace work and human rights, with the specific aim at promoting nonviolence and positive transformation of local and international conflicts. The Association is open to partnership with local and international public authorities and with other peace-based and nonviolence-oriented NGOs, especially through actions like social promotion and education (in the areas of peace, nonviolence and human rights) into schools, universities and not-to-profit sector, social events to sensitize public opinion in acting for peace and nonviolent conflict resolution and project in conflict areas based on the methodology of action-research and in the direction of Civilian Peace Corps.
Legal form of organization | Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale – Not to Profit Organization for Social Purpose |
City | Naples |
Country / Region | Italy |
Working language | English |
Website | |
Objective(s) | Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace - Campania”) is devoted to the mission of promoting peace, human rights and nonviolence at any level of social life, either as a general environment for positive peace and social justice and as a methodological acquaintance in order to work for peace in a “positive trend”, as in Galtung theoretical and practical approach, and for nonviolent approach to solve conflicts (“conflict transformation” as “constructive transformation”). Its general objective is to promote an environment, with special regard to young generations, of positive peace and human rights, and the specific objective is to run the idea and the practice of a Civilian Peace Corp according to the European Union frame for ECPC and to the original inspiration by European Parliamentarians Alexander Langer and Ernest Gulcher, in all their tasks (interposition, mediation, escorting, management, education). |
Means of action | Peace Workers Campania (“Operatori di Pace - Campania”) is devoted to the mission of promoting peace, human rights and nonviolence according to the methodology of Galtung’s theoretical and practical approach, Paatfort’s empathic and socio-cultural approach to solve conflicts without violence and Langer’s attitude, also based on action-research, to develop inter-cultural, inter-ethnic and inter-communitarian environment, in order to open space for positive communication and conflict transformation, and for nonviolent innovations to solve conflicts, with the main idea for “conflict transformation” as a “constructive transformation”. Educational and awareness raising programs in Italy. Confidence building and conflict transformation especially in Mediterranean and Balkans
Place(s) of action | Italy, Mediterranean and Balkans. |
Approach of peace | Conflict transformation, cutlure of peace, positive peace, non violence. |
Keywords of the actor | Positive Peace, Social Justice, Nonviolence, Human Rights, Awareness, Dialogue, Transformation |
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Actor file: Associazione “Operatori di Pace – Campania” ONLUS
Operatori di Pace est une association pour la défense des valeurs de paix, de non-violence et des droits de l’homme.
Katia Bruneau, Paris, June 2013