Sembradores de Paz
At a time when internal armed conflicts ravaged Central America, citizens were working at the grassroots level, emphasizing cultural elements moving in the direction of education, democracy, and peace, and of ethical values such as respect for life, tolerance, solidarity… Within the Central American civil society cut through by violence, this network of citizens sowed seeds of democracy and social justice.
At the beginning of this 21st century, these citizens experienced an important transformation : the first generation has, in large part, disappeared. Among their successors, a good portion of them have become full-fledged actors within their own countries, in political, social or intellectual arenas. Another portion continues to carry out the initiative all the while looking for new modalities of action in line with current-day challenges : they now capitalize on their work via their experiences, their successes, and their failures, adding value to their know-how in the subject of building peace.
Has produced the following dossiers:
La coopération de l’Union Européenne pour construire la paix en Amérique latine au 21ème siècle.
Emilie Bousquier, Paris, 2006
José Pablo Batista, Guatemala, February 2006
La démocratie en Amérique latine : moyen d’expression et de gestion politique des conflits actuels.
Nathalie Cooren, Paris, 2005
La reconstruction de la paix en Amérique centrale grâce au processus Esquipulas.
José Pablo Batista, Guatemala, 2004