Ficha de bibliografía

, Grenoble, octubre 2014

References: Foucault and Galtung on structural violence

  • Foucault, M., “Two Lectures”, In: Colin Gordon (ed.), Power/Knowledge – Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, Pantheon Books, New York: 1980 (1976a).

  • Foucault, M., The Will to Knowledge - The History of Sexuality vol. 1, Penguin Books, London: 1998 (1976b).

  • Foucault, M., “On the Genealogy of Ethics – an Overview of a Work in Progress”, In: Rabinow, Paul (ed.), The Foucault Reader, pp. 340-372, Pantheon Books, New York: 1984 (1983).

  • Foucault, M., “The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom”, In: Fornet-Betancourt, R., Becker, H. and Gomez-Müller, A. (conduction), Philosophy Social Criticism, 12(2-3), pp. 112-131, Sage Publications: July, 1987 (1984).

  • Galtung, J. “Violence, Peace and Peace Research”, In: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 23, No. 9, Sage Publications: 1968.

  • Galtung, J., “Cultural Violence”, In: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 27, No. 3, Sage Publications: 1990.

  • Heyes, C., Self-Transformation – Foucault, Ethics and Normalized Bodies, Studies in Feminist Philosophy, Oxford University Press: 2007.

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  • Ficha de análisis: Foucault and Galtung on structural violence

    With the French thinker Michel Foucault’s conception of power and domination, a reinterpretation of Galtung’s famous concepts of structural violence and positive and negative peace is called for. When Foucault forces us to consider power as productive and when the aim of social justice is problematized, how do we then address the issue of structural violence as an object of transformation?

    Mathias Klitgård Sørensen, Grenoble, octubre 2014