Ashgar Ali Engineer
A participé aux dossiers :
Témoignages de Paix / Testimonios de paz / As Said by Artisans of Peace
Entretiens réalisés auprès d’Artisans de Paix, tous acteurs et protagonistes par leur engagement quotidien, de la construction d’un Art de la paix / Entrevistas realizadas con Artesanos de Paz, cada uno actor y protagonista en su compromiso cotidiano, de la construcción de un Arte de la paz / Interviews conducted with Artisans of Peace, all actors, through their daily commitment, of the construction of an Art of Peace.
La responsabilité des militaires dans la construction de la paix
Le rôle des militaires face aux défis du 21ème siècle.
A participé à l’atelier :
Fiches de l’auteur
Complexity of Terrorism in India.
Centrality of jihad in the post-Qur’Anic period
Historical aspects of Jihad.
Reflexion about Islamic values.
Entretien avec Asghar Ali Engineer
Entretien réalisé, en anglais, par Henri Bauer et Sixtine Jauréguiberry (Irenees).
Interview with Asghar Ali Engineer
Words collected by Sixtine Jauréguiberry, Dhulikel (Nepal) on the 13th May 2009.
Interview with Asghar Ali Engineer
Words collected by Henri Bauer and Sixtine Jauréguiberry (Irenees).
Challenges of Islam today.
Islam: the state or civilisation?
Islam is not primarily a political ideology but a religion which gave rise to a great civilisation, and has its own foundational values.
MOST of our ulema insist that Sharia law is divine and hence there is no question of any flexibility in its application. It is supposed to be immutable. This does not bear scrutiny though.
Paix et religion en Asie du Sud-Est
Une rencontre internationale, organisée par le Pôle Asie du Sud d’Irenees 11-13 Mai 2009 à Katmandou.
Religious diversity and tolerance in Islam
To accept the other, as other is (not with prescriptions) is the essence of democracy.
Report Katmandou Meeting: Religion and Peace in South Asia
An international consultation , organized by Irenees South Asia, 11-13 may 2009, Kathmandu.