Lada Zimina
Lada Zimina is a practitioner from Kazakhstan, with experience of working regionally in Central Asia and the Caucasus, and on a wider international scale. She has focussed on critical issues in peacebuilding such as security and small arms control, contested histories, business interests and resource management policies, and peace and conflict education. She is especially interested in building the capacity of civil society to deal with conflict, and in exploring the linkages between development and conflict transformation. She is a former Chevening scholar.
Author Files
An Agenda for transformative peacebuilding?
This file suggest some options for what needs to be done in the impending multiple crises going forward.
Applied Conflict Transformation Studies
Building a pool of reflexive practitioners.
Centre for Nonviolent Action, Balkans
Principles and funding.
Going where governments would not go.
Connect Four – an initiative to develop a common policy platform in UK
Search for Common Ground’s programme on ‘Women and Governance’ in Burundi
What makes a project genuinely transformative?
What has the peacebuilding field achieved?
This file is a brief, inevitably impressionistic overview of the main achievements of the field. It does not try to do full justice to what has been achieved in the relatively short space of time since late 1980s. It does, however, name some of the key elements which now need to be built on purposefully, with wisdom and courage.
Exploring the rationale behind critical points of view raised in peacebuilding and other movements for change.