Robin GERBAUX, Grenoble, juin 2014
Life and Peace Institute office of Khartoum (LPI)
The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) is an international and ecumenical centre that supports and promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict transformation through a combination of research and action that entails the strengthening of existing local capacities and enhancing the preconditions for building peace.

The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) is an international and ecumenical centre that supports and promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict transformation through a combination of research and action that entails the strengthening of existing local capacities and enhancing the preconditions for building peace.
The Life & Peace Institute envisions a world where peace, justice and non-violent relations prevail through people’s active work and commitment. We have been active towards achieving this goal since 1985.
LPI has been supporting peace initiatives in Sudan since the early 1990s. Following the decision to move towards a country-based approach, in March 2009 LPI was officially registered with the Government of Sudan and established an office in Khartoum.
Ville | Khartoum |
Pays / Région | Sudan |
Langue de travail | English |
Site web | |
Objectif(s) | LPI focuses on contributing to ensuring that inclusive and sustainable peacebuilding processes are active in the areas covered by its programme, in partnership with active and knowledgeable Sudanese actors from academia, civil society and local communities. |
Moyens d’action | During the period 2010-2012, LPI initiated the accompaniment of a participatory action research (PAR) project with partners and communities in South Kordofan State. This partnership consisted of two local civil society organisations together with an academic partner, the Peace & Development Studies Centre from the University of Dalanj. LPI also supported the Sudanese Organisation for Nonviolence & Development (SONAD) in a process of documenting and communicating their experience of working on nonviolent approaches to conflict transformation in Sudan. The idea behind the booklet was to enable a process of self-reflection and learning on the part of SONAD as well as making them better known among relevant actors in Sudan. Following publication, a book launching ceremony was held in September 2011 at the Institute for Research & Development Studies, University of Khartoum. By drawing on lessons learned from local peace actors, the booklet has served to lift up home-grown Sudanese examples of peacebuilding to inspire others and offer a source of learning. In response to the evolving context within the country, in 2012 LPI supported the development of two new projects with partners based in Khartoum State, and these were launched in May 2013. The first project involves a Sustained Dialogue initiative with students on the campuses of the University of Khartoum and Ahfad University for Women and the second aims to improve inter-communal relationships through a PAR process in north Khartoum. |
Lieu(x) de l’action | Sudan |
Approche de la paix | Conflict transformation |
Fiches associées
Fiche d’acteur : L’Institut Vie et Paix, Bureau de Khartoum (IVP)
L’IVP est un centre international et oecuménique qui soutient et encourage des approches non-violentes pour la transformation des conflits.
Robin GERBAUX, Grenoble, juin 2014