un site de ressources pour la paix

Iréné est un site de ressources documentaires destiné à favoriser l’échange de connaissances et de savoir faire au service de la construction d’un art de la paix.
Ce site est porté par l’association
Modus Operandi

En librairie

Transformation de conflit, de Karine Gatelier, Claske Dijkema et Herrick Mouafo

Aux Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer (ECLM)


Fiche d’acteur Dossier :

, Grenoble, mars 2014

Peace and Conflict Resolution Foundation (PCR FOUNDATION)

PCR Foundation is a NGO founded in 2006 that focuses on peace education, trauma healing, councelling and humanitarian assistance.

Created in 2006, PCR foundation focuses on peace education, trauma healing, counceling and humanitarian assistance. It deals with conflict at several levels (e.g. the reconciliation of broken families, helping young single mothers, restoring broken relationships as a result of conflict and war) and in general how affected populations can move on from trauma to a future life.

  • Trauma healing for young single mothers that are victims of war

  • Right to Education for all Children We are looking for donors for sponsoring a child’s education especially those from displaced families and slums areas.

  • Humanitarian assistance to vulnerable youth that are victims of war and in particular that have suffered sexual abuse. We provide training in relation to self-sustainable projects.

Below you can find a video about PCR’s work and why it focuses on women in particular.

Forme juridique de l’organisation




Pays / Région

République Démocratique du Congo

Langue de travail


Site web

  • To see the program of Health for Trauma Counseling being introduced in Eastern D.R.C.;

  • To involve the community to be a part of conflict resolution in a peaceful way;

  • To give displaced and vulnerable children and youth a chance to access to basic education and entrepreneurship training.

Moyens d’action

PCR’s mobilization plan:

  • Start the clinics of psychological trauma healing in Eastern D.R.C. in order to help the victims of war and violence

  • Demonstrating their concerns

  • Sensitising about the danger of letting people stay with anger and their hearts wounded for such a long time without been cured, and how it maybe a danger for the future because it may bring revenge and make people suffer even more.

  • Train more people and leaders at grassroots level as well as more volunteers with psychology and mediation skills that have the capacity to help the victims of war. We plan to collaborate with primary scchools in the region to start peer-mediation for children.

  • Provide vocational training to help young single mothers to gain new skills and be able to move on.

Lieu(x) de l’action

Democratic Repubublic of Congo.

Approche de la paix

Reconciliation, post conflict gestion.

Mots clefs de l’acteur

Peace education, trauma healing, humanitarian assistance, conflict resolution, single mothers, children.

Documents joints